Lucas' journey began when he was 14 months of age (he is now 2.5 yrs old). He has been having issues with vomiting. It started out as him vomiting several hours after having dinner. Never after breakfast or lunch, just dinner. Called the pediatrician, they prescribed him Prevacid, thinking he was having acid reflux issues. Once he was on the Prevacid it seemed like the 'miracle' drug. He stopped vomiting. It was awesome! We went about our everyday activities. He would take the medicine in the morning before breakfast. He thought it was cool, it looked like a piece of candy. And in the evening he would take his Zyrtec. He has been taking the Zyrtec for seasonal allergies before he turned 1. This was our life for a little over a year. Nothing major.
About three months ago, the vomiting resurfaced. He was still taking the Prevacid. Pediatrician's office recommended taking him off all dairy and referred us to a Pediatric GI dr. Had that appt, GI dr recommended taking him off any foods or beverages that could cause and acid reflux flare up and to take him off Prevacid for 1 month. That if anything major happened to report to him.
After 1 week, Lucas was continuing to vomit. But this time around it happened during or right after dinner time and it always happened after he would get caught in a coughing fit. Not every time he coughed did he vomit but if he were to vomit, it was during a coughing fit. I called the GI dr. He scheduled an upper GI scope.
Waiting for the biospy results felt forever. But came back that he had a 'slight inflammation of his esophogus'. The GI dr suggested that we see an Allergist. He believed the inflammation was due to some sort of allergy.
At the suggestion of the GI dr, I made an appt for an Allergist. It took three weeks for the appt to arrive. During those three weeks, his vomiting increased. It became so unpredictable and often times he vomiting multiple times a day. It was so awful. Rarely did Lucas ever cry or get upset. Neither did my husband or I. It felt like a 'normal' part of our lives. Lucas became so used to it that he would say, "I frow up" as matter of fact. His knowledge of knowing what is going on killed me, and still does. At 2.5 he shouldn't know what "frowing up" is.
Finally, the Allergist appt rolls around. He was subjecting to the droplets on his back of common environmental allergies and food allergies. At last, what I have felt in my gut since the beginning was confirmed. Food allergies...wheat and eggs. Along with environmental allergies to trees, dust mites, cats and dogs.
The Allergist was so excited. He knew how we were to go about treating our son and gave us the diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE for short). What is that?!?!?! EE is an over abunance of eosinophil (a type of white blood cells) in the esophagus caused by allergens. Namely food allergens. Viola!!! How do we do that?!?!?!
Lucas is now on an elimination diet, removal of all things containing eggs and wheat. And he's on medication (Zyrtec and Flovent). Since the diagnosis last week and trying to remove wheat and eggs from his diet, I know two important things. 1) he has taken to the 'new' diet very well, much better than expected and 2)from last thurs to this past tues, he didn't vomit once.
I realize that this is going to be a long journey. Full of ups and downs, bumps and mountains. But we are a strong family and I have an unbelievably brave little man.
Thoughts and Prayers Leah and Brandon! Lucas is a strong little man and has a strong momma ( I know from experience ;) Hang in the, luv ya!! Cheryl
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that you finally have a diagnosis. A blog is a great way to share your experiences and you food finds. :)
ReplyDeleteI just happened across your blog while researching EE... My 4 year old son was just diagnosed last week. He's had it ever since birth, has never eaten solid foods, but was always misdiagnosed until now. Everyone always told us it was a texture issue, nothing more. But EE explains so much! We are waiting now for the appointment with the allergist, which seems like forever. Just over 2 more weeks to go. I am so nervous to find out what the allergen (or allergens) are for my little guy....since it's been his whole life he's avoided everything except certain baby foods, I'm afraid it will be pretty severe. The good thing is it's at least a manageable condition! Hopefully my guy will be able to recover and finally be able to eat eventually. That's our biggest hope.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it was nice finding another story I can relate to. Good luck to your family and your little guy!