Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reason to Celebrate!!!! Results Are In!!!

Friday morning, while sitting in my first of many gymnastics seminars of the weekend, Dr. Putnam called to inform me of what the next phase of treatment would be. I'll get to that in a minute. I always wait until I get the pathology report from MyChart to be able to compare his new results to his previous. Without much further ado, 

(A) Duodenum 3rd

(B) Body/antrum

(C) Distal esophagus (bottom of the esophagus)

(D) Proximal esophagus (top of the esophagus)

Samples A and B came back normal. Sample B did show an improvement over his previous scope in May.

Sample C showed a peak count of 63 eosinophils per high powered field. And Sample D showed a peak count of 0 eosinophils per high powered field.

To compare from his previous scope in May, Sample A remained unchanged. Sample B showed improvement.  Sample C increased slightly from 59 to 63. The most drastic change came in Sample D were the count went from 58 eosinophils per high powered field to ZERO.

So good news.....

Lucas scoped CLEAR for the first time ever!!!!!!

Oh. M. Gee!!!! For our avid blog readers and those who have been following our journey should note how important and significant this moment is. Since DX (diagnosis), Lucas has NEVER scoped below 58 in his upper esophagus. From May to this scope, Dr. Franciosi made the only change of increasing the Pulmicort (steroid) from .25mL 2x/day to .50mL 2x/day. He didn't make any changes to the restricted diet or Nexium (PPI). 

Now for the not so good news (but not bad news).....

Dr. Putnam's concern for Lucas' lower esophagus during the initial scope (he said it felt leathery when taking the biopsy sample) was backed with evidence that it is still pretty active. His lower esophagus did show a minor increase in eosinophils. They went up by 4. Dr. Putnam's call on Friday brought with how we are going to treat the lower esophagus. He wants to increase his Nexium from 10mg 1x/day to 20mg 2x/day. He's hoping the increase will help alleviate any inflammation he's having. 

Here's the gist of the revised treatment plan:
-No diet changes, continue with restricted diet he's maintained since November
-No steroid changes, continue taking the .50mL 2x/day
-Increase PPI from 10mg 1x/day to 20mg 2x/day
-Return in 3-4 months for follow up scope

I'm hopeful that in 3-4 months he will continue to scope clear in his upper esophagus because of the no diet or steroid changes. I'm hoping that the increase in the PPI will also result in a clear scope of his lower esophagus. And hopefully at that point, he will be able to add something back into his diet. I know he's dying to add in either nuts or soy.

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