Lucas has his 6 week follow up with the GI dr this past Wednesday. The dr confirmed the allergist diagnosis of EE. That's reassuring. I asked him for suggestions on how to better give Lucas the Flovent. He HATES taking it and will clench his teeth and mouth. It's awful. He did recommend giving him one of the doses once he's sound asleep. He said the body has a natural reaction to swallow in our sleep. And if that were not working and he kept refusing to take it, that we could try a capsule. When the capsule is broken, you pour the granules into a 'splenda water' solution for him to drink!?!?! What ever that means. We have had success with the giving the dose at night with the Flovent. So we will see. We go back in 2.5 months. His next visit coming up will be the allergist at the end of the month.
On a great note, and knock on wood, he has gone since Tuesday without throwing up. It's such a wonderful feeling. He's also grown 1 inch and gain 1/2lb since April.
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