This week has been somewhat interesting. Monday evening, I came home from work to find Lucas really raspy and sounding like a seal when he coughed. He felt a little warm and was running a low grade fever. I gave him Motrin (dubbed 'a sweet treat') and sent him to bed. Tuesday he woke up sounding the same but not running a fever so I sent him to school. Decided to call the Pediatrician just in case. Well, explained symptoms and they wanted to see him. Oh lord, what now??? Hubby took him and he has an ear infection. UGH! Only his 5th ear infection since Thanksgiving. I swear, when it rains it pours. Can he get a 'break'?
He woke up Thursday morning at 6am crying and wouldn't stopped for almost 2 hours. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong and I'm not a psychic. I don't know if this episode was EE related, meaning his throat hurt so much from the coughing or what. Today seems to be a better day so hopefully he's on the mend.
Last night as I was putting him to bed, he said over and over again "I wove you mommy" as I was closing his door. Those are the moments that help get me through this.
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