Sorry for not posting the patch results yesterday. We came home and I was exhausted. Better late than never right?
Lucas and I went the Allergy Clinic to have his patches read. He got to watch Scooby-Doo in the room while we waited for the Dr to come in. When the Dr came in, he had Lucas hop up on the exam table and lay on his belly. The Dr did find 1 positive reaction to CORN. I learned that many many kids who are patch tested typically don't have any positives. So when the Dr found this, he asked if he could call in a team of people to look at it. Sure, why not (this is a teaching hospital as well). Lucas had to use the potty while we waited. When he came out, he was surrounded by fellows, residents, and students waiting to look at his positive reaction. Nothing like using my son as a teaching opportunity. A nurse came in and put some hydrocortizone cream on him and some apple juice.
We waited again for the Dietician. The Dietician was great about giving me resources on food allergies and if/when Lucas needs to go on an elimination diet, to call or email him and he would give me more specific ideas. He gave some great advice on how to introduce some new foods into Lucas' diet to possibly have if/when some are taken out.
Once everything was done, we got to head home!! YAY!!!! My mom was ever so kind to watch Lucas for us so Mommy and Daddy could catch a movie. Nice end to a long, somewhat stressful but definitely imformative week.
Lucas began taking the Nexium last night. The first dose was interesting. Partly because I had to figure out the best way to mix/serve it and partly because he's not a huge fan to medicine changes and was hesitant. He tried to runaway from me but coaxing him with a sweet treat (20 minutes later and after eating dinner). He managed to take most of it but did throw some of it up. We just did the one dose last night.
Today we begin the prescribed 2 doses. This morning before I left for work, I mixed up his medicine and then filled a cup with sugar water for him to drink in between gulps of the medicine. This method proved to be very effective in getting him to take the medicine. We called his water "sweet water". Now we just kinda wait and see how he does with this medicine over the next 4 weeks.
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