Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nerves are setting in

My nerves are starting to set in preparing for the next scope.  Lucas is scheduled on Tuesday afternoon for his follow-up scope from July.  Since July, he's been on the Nexium and the elimination diet.  I have seen a slight improvement but he's still having issues.  I won't know what the next step is or what the changes are from his scope until the following week. 

My mind races over questions and scenarios of what's next.  I'm a big bundle of nerves and inside I'm hoping for the best.  Again, my gut is telling me that more diet restrictions are in our future.  Lucas is finally starting to accept his current ones and learning to adapt.  He's learning to ask questions about foods and their safety to him.  

My proud EoE Mom moment came last week.  Lucas' best friend brought "Lucas safe" snacks to school to share with Lucas.  Lucas told me he didn't eat a certain snack because he didn't know if it would make him throw up.  I told him that I was proud of him for being safe.  I also said to him that if he ever has doubt, then it's okay to not eat it or ask questions to make sure it is okay or not.  

He was invited to his first sleepover at a friend's house.  His friend's mom and I are good friends.  She went out of her way to make sure Lucas had "safe" foods and she bought cupcakes from our favorite bakery, Annie May's Sweet Cafe, just for him.  While I don't expect anyone to go out of their way to make sure he has "safe" foods, it was a nice change and less stressful for me and him.  I knew he was in safe hands.  

He was so excited to spend the night.  He had his blankie and dinosaur Baby packed up.

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