After 4 weeks of attempting the wheat, egg, and corn free diet in addition to the Nexium, I called to check in with Dr. F's nurse. I explained to her what's been going on and how Lucas has been doing. She seemed a little disappointed that he wasn't on the diet exclusively. Let me say that while I tried my best (and I know I slipped a few times) to make sure he was given foods that didn't contain any wheat, eggs, or corn, it's easy for other family members to forget. The nurse did give me a good analogy to help explain to family members:
When he eats foods that contain the allergens he may not show outwardly symptoms or it can take a few days for symptoms to present themselves but internally on a cellular level those foods containing the allergens are doing him harm.
Makes sense and I totally understand where she is coming from. We go back next week for an 8 week follow up. She didn't want to give us a scope date because of this latest development. Ideally, they want the child to be exclusively on the diet (without "contamination") for at least 8 weeks. I'm hoping that when we visit next week and discuss his progress further, that we do get the scope date. That will at least give me something to hold onto and KNOW that his diet has be a certain way.
I have been working hard and teaching him which foods he can and cannot have. At his age, 1) he needs to know what makes him sick 2) when he is with others who are not familiar with his situation, he can inform them and 3) so he can educate others when I'm not around.
He is doing good and handling the food situation fairly well. He still gets bummed over some foods but he's accepting it. He's taking the Nexium like a pro and doesn't complain about taking it.
I just pack Hannah snacks and lunch anytime she is away from me. More work for me but less stressful over all. Also made is list of safe options at a select few restaurants. Good luck!