Thursday, September 2, 2010

Update Finally

Sorry about not posting any new information since June. Life tends to get in the way of things and I need to work on making time for some things. Lucas has been doing really well over the last couple of months.

He went from hating the Flovent (we had to wait until he was asleep to give it to him) to now he gives it to himself. Of course one of us is always watching to make sure he doesn't over dose himself. (As you can see from the pic above, he's getting used to it.) He started allergy shots about a month ago and acts like a true champ. He never cries and is always in a good mood. Unlike other children who come to the office for theirs.

He went to the GI last week for a follow up. Since he's doing so well, the doctor wants us to begin a 3 month period of weaning him off the Flovent. He was getting 2 puffs 2x/day. For the next month he will get 2 puffs 1x/day. The following month he will get 1 puff 1x/day. By the third month he will hopefully be down to 1 puff 1x/every other day. Once the third month is complete he will be completely off of it.

We are hoping all goes well. He's had 1 vomit episode in two months and that was because he has too much wheat in one sitting. The doctor did say that once we start decreasing his Flovent we will have to watch and monitor is wheat intake. And if begins to throw up again we will have to go back on the Flovent.

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