Thursday, October 28, 2010

Playing catch up

Since the last post, Lucas has seen his Allergist. Everything seems and "appears" to be on the up and up and the Allergist agrees with the GI's recommendation of weaning Lucas off the Flovent. And he also said to call around Thanksgiving to have his shots decreased from 2x/wk to 1x/wk.

So we've started the weaning of the Flovent to the 2 puffs 1x/day. He seems to be handling this fine. He's also taking the Zyrtec and I (let me reinforce the I) have been taking him to get one dose of his allergy shots. Daddy has been slacking on the other day.

Since the last post, Lucas turned 3 years old. It's hard to believe and he blows me away everyday. He had a wonderful birthday party with family and friends. We got a Dairy Queen ice cream cake. He moved up to the "Preschool" room at his Parent's Day Out Program (we call it "The Big Room"). He's loving it!!

But as many of the wonderful mother's I've "met" via Facebook, who have children with this same disorder, I have my moments of helplessness. I am grateful that Lucas is on the mild end of the seemingly long spectrum of EE but I can't help but feel sad for him at times. Knock on wood that he's improving and we haven't really had many if any incidences of late. I can't help but wonder if and when he may have an episode. I know I shouldn't focus on that but it's ALWAYS in the back of my mind. Take for instance tonight, we were driving home from picking up dinner. He seemed quiet and I thought maybe he was dozing off (he hadn't taken a nap today). When I got him out of his carseat he seemed "off". Shortly after entering the house, I told him he needed to go potty before he ate. He walked into the bathroom to get his potty and he started coughing and threw up a little. Was this a fluke? Is it EE related? These thoughts are flowing through my mind while I'm calmly reassuring him and cleaning up and making sure he's okay. It looked like the orange sherbert he had earlier in the day. WTH?!?!?! But like any other time he's thrown up, he goes about like nothing happened and that's just apart of his life.

I enjoy every moment I have with him. No matter what we are doing. I love hearing his stories that he's learning to create with his wild imagination to the snuggle moments we have on the couch watching cartoons. While he appears to be a normal and typical 3 year old little boy, he's never going to be "normal" because of this disorder. I don't like the impression I've been giving by the dr. I feel like it's a quick fix and I'm learning from the other parents, it's not.

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