Thursday, March 31, 2011

The past 3 months or so....

About a month ago, I made the decision to contact Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders (CCED). They sent a 15 page Intake Questionnaire which took me a few weeks to complete. Mostly because I would forget about it and some I needed to ask family background info. But last week, I FINALLY submitted it. This week, I typed up letters for his different doctors giving my permission to release his medical records. Love those HIPPA laws. So hopefully over the next couple of weeks those records will be submitted. After review, they'll hopefully call us to come up there a week-long evaluation and hopefully get more answers from doctors who know more about EE.

He went to the Allergist in February who asked us to try to decrease the Flovent once again. After 5-7 days, we had to increase the dose back because he threw up 4 days in a row. Today, he went to the GI. He weighs 36.25lbs (70th percentile) and is 39 inches tall (50th percentile). Allergist wanted us to talk to GI about another scope, but I told the GI I'd like to hold off on one here because of our hopes of getting him in at CCED. They'll scope him up there.

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